Donate to PCPG

PCPG is a 501C3 non-profit organization that depends on member support of its mission to promote the education, training and practice of psychoanalytic couple psychotherapy. We welcome your tax-deductible donation. You will receive a letter upon receipt of your donation confirming your donation for tax purposes.

Donate to the DEI Tuition Reduction Fund

PCPG is committed to increasing access to its study programs and has funds available to support its mission of diversity, equity and inclusivity. We welcome your tax-deductible donation. You will receive a letter upon receipt of your donation confirming your donation for tax purposes.

The Dr. Jacquie Ward Memorial Grant

The Dr. Jacquie Ward Memorial Grant provides need-based financial assistance to deserving participants in PCPG's Intensive Study Program and other educational offerings, with the goal of promoting economic diversity, equity, and inclusion. We welcome your tax-deductible contribution. You will receive a letter upon receipt of your donation confirming your donation for tax purposes.

Donate by Mail

To make a tax-exempt donation by mail, please send a check to the following address, indicating which fund you are donating to. We welcome your tax-deductible donation. You will receive a letter at the end of the year confirming your donation for tax purposes. Please mail your check to:

PCPG 184 Blackstone Drive San Rafael, CA 94903